Thursday, May 25, 2006

My own God.

So this morning I found all of my old notes for this book that I was going to write!! It has about a zillion topics that I could write where to start is the hard part!! But! I decided that probably the best place to start would be with my relationship with God! Since that is above all the most important part of life!
I'll start with a little history, I got saved before I could remember...I think right when I could talk my parents had me say the prayer!! lol! I grew up in church and had a TON of friends. As time went on I started feeling more and more distant from God especially when I was around 13-14 years old... I remember laying in bed one night scared that I wasn't really saved! So I prayed and that was the time that I made Jesus MY savior not just my parents savior! That is such a huge key..especially when you grow up as a Christian! When you finally decide that you want to serve him not because you have to or your parents make you but because you love him so much that you want to! So from there I started growing more and more in my faith! And actually having my time with God without my parents having to tell me! This time in your life will come...or maybe it already has! Just take some time to check your heart and see where it is really at...
Would you go to church, have devotional time, talk to God, even if you parents weren't around?
I've come to the point now that I can not live without setting aside time for God!!
So today I challenge you to even if it's just for five minutes to get away and pray or read the bible! It will improve everything around you!!:)
Love you,


Anonymous said...

good word Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah! Awesome blog! I'm at that point right now, and it's so awesome discovering how faithful and true god really is! Thank YOU for this blog! I really love reading what older ladies/girls have to say on some issues!!!

Anonymous said...

That was good, Sarah! Thanks for sharing that!! It was real encouraging! I made God MY savior about a year ago when I was 12. I was saved for as long as I can remember too, but I started to fall away from God. Then I started reading in Rev. and that's when I got my life back together with Him again.

Liana said...

Awesome start Sarah - thanks for sharing your story. I like how you say "as soon as I could talk..." ... our stories are veeeery verrrry similar :) Gosh, so wise for your age you are!!

Sarah Barlow said...

Hey Katie!! So glad you found this! That is so awesome that you are to that point now!! Keep pressing forward!!

Bekah, haha! Yeah reading Revelations will do that to you!!..although I haven't really even read it that much...kinda! But that is awesome that you made God YOUR savior!! Sweet!

Liana! haha!! I'd love to here your story sometime!:)

Debbie Garon said...

I have just recently realized that i can go to church with out my parents! i took a big step and started getting myself up sunday morning and going to church by myself! i dont even mind sitting along! i actually like it better! i find that i'm more open to hear what God wants to tell me when i'm on my own