Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Low times.....

What do you do when everything seems to go wrong?? You don't feel like talking to God, everyone seems to be edgy(especially you), and nothing seems to flow! It happens to me every once in awhile! Like just now I typed up this whole thing and then accidently deleted it and had to write it alll over! It can be really depressing!
How do you handle it!!??
First, keep your joy!!! For instance say you totally messed something up, don't let the enemy steal your joy from you. With a bad attitude it will make the situation far worse but with a joyful attitude you can turn that situation around! Even just smiling or laughing will help! I've broken down on the highway a couple times and both times just laughed the whole way through, which actually made the situations kind of fun even though they wouldn't have been fun normally!!
Second, check your heart. See if there is anything that might have opened the door to these situations happening. If God convicts you of anything just repent. Don't leave any open door for the enemy! Third, pray! This will draw you closer to God and turn the situation around! Especially since this is normally the time that you really don't feel like praying and usually it's the time that you need to pray the most!!! Fourth, KEEP YOUR JOY!! I know this was #1 but is should be on here again because it will so improve the situation, your outlook, and your life!! No matter what happens keep that joy!! Smile, keep your chin up, and trust God! No situation is too hard for him!! :)


Anonymous said...

great post!

So true!!!

J@KE said...

A couple times huh? You're right about the joy.... It's what helped me on the side of the highway one time not too long ago.


David said...

Hey, cool photograph, and great post. You can really tell you are a joyful person because you like exclamation points so much! :)

mandie said...

Today in P.E. we had to run the mile under 9 minutes. I was picked to be group #2 to run and I had a few friends in my group. Our P.E. teacher said "Go!" and we all started running.

I almost always hated the mile, but this time i caught myself smiling! And then I stayed smiling the whole time and I got through the whole mile! My time was a little under 9:00 but I don't care, I had fun!